9. Start BLAST server

A SequenceServer BLAST server container provides a user friendly BLAST interface to genomes hosted in a GenomeHub.

Edit files in conf directory

Edit Masthead.html to change the site name, logos and link urls:

  • add images to the ~/genomehubs/v1/blast/conf/img directory if you wish to include them on your site

  • further changes to the appearance can be made by editing the styles in custom.css

$ cd ~/genomehubs/v1/blast/conf
# if you have a google analytics code to track usage
$ sed 's/UA-00000000-0/your analytics code/' Masthead.html
$ nano Masthead.html
# replace references to example.com with your domain name

Edit links.rb to ensure that links from BLAST results are directed to your Ensembl site:

  • modify the url = "http://localhost:8881/#{assembly}" to match your domain name

$ nano links.rb
    def genomehubs
      url = "http://localhost:8881/#{assembly}"

Start SequenceServer BLAST container

Start the SequenceServer Docker container:

$ docker run -d \
             --name genomehubs-sequenceserver \
             --network genomehubs-network \
             -v ~/genomehubs/v1/blast/conf:/conf:ro \
             -v ~/genomehubs/v1/blast/data:/dbs \
             -p 8883:4567 \

Last updated